Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Goosemas

December 25, 2007
Welcome Gossamer Ecklund 
into the world. 

Please help in celebrating Christmas and Birthday with 
the spotty cow dog. 

He's having a very hard day so far. 

Note: Gus wanted me to convey, that those wishing to forward rawhide, squeaky toys, marrow bones, 
plastic soda bottles, soft nomming blankets and Alpo carry-outs....all will be accepted happily and with 
much birthday vigor. 
Please e-mail him for the proper mailing address. 
Note: Also accepting  cheese and very crunchy things. 

Merry Christmas from the Birthday Boy!!!
Our hopes are that you be surrounded by  loved ones and many squeaky toys...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'Tis the season!

Merry wishes for a happy and healthy
holiday season!  
Much love from the Goose. 

*Thanks to the brilliant Jess Hickman for the inspiration for this card.  Goose loves ya, Clinker. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ho Ho Ho - Christmas decorations 101, with Gus.

We love to decorate, oh yes we do.  First you need a good helper, can usually be found gaining energy on the couch... 

Note: It is very important to have all the feet in exactly the same place while gathering energy.  
Then you will not wake too startled.... 

First, we begin with the lighting process... at times, this can be a difficult step..... 

Note: When the light tester gets annoyed... the time to stop is immediately-
to preserve the integrity of the lighting system...

Continued irritation, may result in a threat to gather belongings, slip into a winter coat, and leave....

The remedy to this, is a little quality couch time... (Santa hat optional)

The quality couch time rarely fails, and can be the answer to many a sticky situation,  just a reminder.

Thank you for joining us with our Christmas decorating,  we hope it has been educational and entertaining. 

Goose and friends. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

The day after...

Too much food.........
I hope that everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank you!

Something has come to my attention over at "Galloping With Scissors" and I wanted to make note of it.  :)

In the picture you will see Goose's favorite candy cane nomming blanket.  Consider it a special guest in the story of Gossamer. :) 

Thank you for watching. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh Hai!

Welcome to Galloping With Scissors, an archive of all things Goose.  Keep an eye out for new photos, artwork and possibly even a webcomic (coincidentally... also named "Galloping With Scissors", how handy is that? ).

Thank you kindly for stopping by, as your reward, I present you geese.  :)