Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Long Overdue Update

Of late, a little bit of consideration (see: a lot of consideration) has been given to the future of this blog. I suppose I should explain. Back in February, my magical boy, Gossamer was diagnosed with bone cancer, and had to be let go on March 25, 2011.  As made evident in this blog, he was the apple of my eye. My problem was seated in deciding whether or not to continue this blog (for many reasons, obvious and not so obvious), and what I have finally come up with is yes. I think the greatest tribute I could offer to my little white doggy is to try through this place to share with whomever is paying attention, all the gifts he brought to my life.

All that said, this will be the last time I focus on what was lost, from now on, it's all about what was gained by 3 years and 3 months of Gossamer.  :) 

Stay tuned.. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Bookmarking Continues...

More work done for Gus' bookmark empire. Here are the next two bookmark citizens. 

Very soon, all will be available on the Etsy Store. 

Coming up in March, the weekend of the 18th through the 20th, to be precise, I will be at C2E2 in 
Artists Alley.  If you would like a sketch, or more involved picture of Goose for your  very own, 
you can contact me here, or come see me there. :)  (I can also draw an elf and a faery if pressed)
My table location is E9,  and I'll be there with the sultry and mysterious Jessica Hickman. All the 
cats and dogs will be represented at our table in the form of Goose, Space Quint and his trusty 
sidekick Polly. 
Come see us! That's an order. 

And now, for your viewing pleasure... Our Sister of the Red Star Blanket. 

At times, she is a little shy. 

Have a wonderful Monday!  Goose gives it 4 paws up!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Bookmarks

Here are a couple more designs for the upcoming flurry of bookmarks. Woot!

Keep an eye open for more!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning to Howl

In a recent development, Gus has decided that he would like to start howling. 
I think he has a lovely voice, but clearly, howling is hard work, demonstrated by the yawn

Bookmark Number Two

Beware... the Nazguuuuuuuse!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Goose loves the readers. So as a little bonus to those of you that still open the pages of an old fashioned book, smelling the  ink and paper, we're making some bookmarks :) 
*triumphant cheers explode around the world*
Here is the image for the first, very soon, they'll be up on Etsy, so keep your eyes (and books) open. :)

the Goose